Photo of a smiling family


The mission for ENLACE Eastern region is to increase high school graduation and post-secondary enrollment rates by reducing academic and non-academic barriers and increasing exposure to and engaement with education opportunities among area students and families.


Enlace Logo

Enlace Stands for Engaging Latino Communities for Education

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation founded ENLACE in 1999 with the goal of boosting educational performance and accessibility. 

Our mission is to serve all students from head start too postgraduate. 

Serving the community, collaborating with parents on parent education, and offering direct student assistance are all ways we help our students.

CCC is a part of the Eastern Region. We have a statewide collaboration with five regions for ENLACE: 

  • Northwestern
  • Southern
  • Central
  • Northeastern
  • Eastern (Our region)

We assist our students by:

  • Translating
  • Mentoring
  • Connecting students to campus and outside resources if needed..

ENLACE offers students broad assistance rather than focused instruction. Every region is unique, and the needs of our communities vary. For more information please contact:

Marisela Acuna at AcunaM@clovis.edu or (575)769-4046

Jessica Ramirez Garcia at garcieje@clovis.edu

ENLACE Initiatives

ENLACE Initiatives

Upcoming events centered on promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus and in the CCC Community.

Coming Soon!

ENLACE Resources

ENLACE Resources

Campus and community resources to address student needs.

View Resources
Enlace Partnerships

ENLACE Partnerships

Coming Soon!

Contact Info

For more information about CCC's Department of ENLACE, please contact:

Marisela Acuna
Office E - Center for Student Success
