
Paralegals, or Legal Assistants, help lawyers and attorneys with day-to-day functions in law offices.

At Clovis Community College we are proud to offer our students training and instruction from a broad-based perspective in many areas of law, which allows students to explore the discipline before committing to an area of specialization. Our Associate of Applied Science Degree in Paralegal boasts the unique benefit of offering this degree entirely online.

Paralegal courses are taught by practicing attorneys, including the current Curry County District Attorney.

Topics Covered:

  • Legal Writing, Terminology and Research
  • Torts
  • Law Office Practice and Procedures
  • Communication Skills
  • Litigation
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Courts and Procedures
  • Wills and Estates
  • Family Law

Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal (Legal Assistant Studies)


   Download Recommended Course Sequencing PDF


First Semester (Fall I):

  • BCIS 1110 Fundamentals of Information Literacy Systems (3 Credits)
  • ENGL 1110 English Composition I (3 Credits)
  • LEST 102 Intro to Legal Studies (3 Credits)
  • MATH 1130 Survey of Math (3 Credits)



Second Semester (Spring I)

  • ACCT 2110 Principles of Accounting I (4 Credits)
  • CJUS 1110 Intro to Criminal Justice (3 Credits)
  • ENGL 1120 English Composition II (3 Credits)
  • LEST 227 Law Office Practice & Procedures (3 Credits)



Third Semester (Summer): 

  • COMM 1130 Public Speaking (3 Credits)
  • LEST #### Elective (3 Credits)
  • PHED #### (1 Credit)



Fourth Semester (Fall II): 

  • CJUS 1120 Criminal Law (3 Credits)
  • LEST 105 Legal Writing I [Aug- Oct] (3 Credits) 
  • LEST 106 Legal Writing II [Oct-Dec] (3 Credits)
  • LEST 220 Family Law (3 Credits)
  • LEST #### Elective (3 Credits)



Fifth Semester (Spring II): 

  • LEST 104 Torts, Practice & Procedure (3 Credits)
  • LEST 123 Litigation (3 Credits)
  • PSYC 1110 Intro to Psychology (3 Credits)
  • POLS 1120 American National Government (3 Credits)
  • CJUS 2120 Criminal Courts & Procedures



 Total Credits Required: 62 

The Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal degree in Legal Assistant Studies consists of 62 credits and can be completed in four semesters.

The Certificate of Completion in Paralegal consists of 33 credit hours and can be completed in two semesters.

Students interested in CCC's Legal Assistant program can apply for general admission to the college and then file a degree plan with an Academic Advisor.

Paralegals (legal assistants) are individuals trained to assist attorneys in the delivery of legal services. Graduates of this program work in private law firms, large and small corporations, the government and many legal aid services and operate under the supervision of a lawyer. Paralegals cannot give legal advice, represent a client in court, establish legal fees or sign documents filed with the court.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of paralegals and legal assistants is projected to grow 28 percent between 2008 and 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations. Paralegals are performing a wider variety of duties, making them more useful to business. Paralegals investigate the facts of a case; interview clients and witnesses; perform legal research; draft pleadings, deposition notices, subpoenas, motions, briefs, and other legal documents.


#1 in the "2020 Most Affordable Online Paralegal Associate Degrees" in the United States


Contact Info

For more information about CCC's Paralegal Program, please contact:

monica turner
Monica Turner
Division Chair of Business Administration, Behavioral Science & Education