Who is elegible?

Must be registered with Clovis Municipal Schools

Must be an incoming sophomore or Junior

Must have completed a minimum of:

English I

Algebra I

One Lab science

US History

PE credit*

*PE is not required before entering CECHS, but is highly recommended
Daily Schedule
  • This is a non-traditional high school with varying schedule
  • CECHS is open 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students are expected to be available to CECHS and CCC classes during that time
  • School day may be longer and/or involve evening classes depending on program selected
  • As students move from class to class, they are unsupervised—attendance is taken and monitored daily
  • Students will have unscheduled time which should be used for study or accessing other resources
  • Students must be enrolled in a minimum of four classes a semester (will include both high school and college courses)
  • Students may be required to attend summer sessions for some CCC programs
  • Sack lunches will be provided for students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunches
  • Some transportation will be available from CHS to CCC
Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities at CHS
  • CECHS students are still eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities (athletics, band, JROTC, FFA etc.) with Clovis High School
  • Due to scheduling, some CCC programs may not be conducive with some CHS extra-curricular activities—in some cases, students may have to choose

What Costs are Associated with Clovis Early College High School?


College Tuition is waived through NM Dual Credit Program*


CHS covers Textbooks and MOST course fees*


Technology is required for college classes – But Each CECHS student will also receive a chrome book to use for the duration of the program

*Students may be responsible for an HPE credit if required and/or some fees associated with Allied Health programs, etc. This will vary depending on the program selected. Fees will be disclosed at the time student is accepted to CECHS

Student with books

Current Programs Available for CECHS Students

  • Allied Health
    • Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiologic Technology, EMS, Phlebotomy
  • Automotive
  • Business Administration
  • Computer Information Systems
    • Information Systems and Technology, Networking, Fundamentals of Game Design
  • Criminal Justice
  • Education/Early Childhood education
  • Graphic Design and Media Art
  • Industrial Technology
    • Plant Operations, Wind Energy
  • Paralegal (Legal Assistant Studies)
  • Welding
  • Associate of Science/Arts for transfer
  • Other area not Specified
Contact Info

For more information, please contact:

Melissa Winn 

Jennifer Grauvogl

Stephanie Stover
