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Introduction to the Online Course Peer Review Process at CCC

Clovis Community College is dedicated to excellence in education and committed to offering high-quality online courses which allow for student success.  Starting  Spring 2016, CCC will begin conducting reviews of courses offered online.

Course that are required to be reviewed:

  • New online courses developed on or after Fall 2014 must be reviewed after being taught online for two semesters.
  • Any course as requested by the Division Chair
  • Any course that has been redesigned as part of the Title V Initiative.

Participation in CCC’s Peer Review program is open to all instructors who meet the Application Requirements.  CCC’s long term goal will be to review all online courses.

What are the application requirements?

  • The instructor must have completed the APPQMR workshop.
  • The instructor must have taught the course in an online format for at least two terms at CCC (at the time the course is reviewed). OR be at the appropriate stage of a Title V supported course development.
  • The course must be completely online.

How do I participate?

About Quality Matters and the CCC Peer Review Process

The review process will be conducted using a process and rubric derived from Quality Matters (QM), a nationally recognized program for its peer-based approach to continuous improvement in online education and student learning.  Quality Matters and the CCC Peer Review uses these underlying principles:

  • A faculty-driven, peer review process
  • Designed to provide feedback on course design, not course delivery
  • Continuous – the review is a process which allows for improvement.
  • Centered – the QM process is based on research, and focused on student learning and quality.
  • Collegial—reviews are conducted by faculty peers who have online teaching experience.  The aim is to work together to improve courses, not to make judgments.
  • Collaborative—the review team will work together to create recommendations for improvement based on evidence from the course, not personal preference.  Standards can be met in a variety of ways.

 The focus of the review is on course design; it is not a teaching evaluation or observation and is not meant to inhibit or limit an instructor’s ability to effectively and actively teach a course.  Instructors teaching courses that have met the standards at the 85% level still have the flexibility to make changes to the delivery and content of the course based on students’ needs.

How does it work?

  • Once accepted into the Review process, the course will be reviewed by three certified Peer-Reviewers.
  • Once the course is found to meet the CCC Standards for the Design of Online Instruction, the course will be awarded the status of Outstanding Online Course.
  • For see a flowchart of the Course Review Process, click here.
  • For a more detailed look at the process, click here.

Contact Info

CTLA Open Lab Location
Room 742
Library (Next to Campus Cabinet)

Selina Marriott
Professional Development Instructional Technologist
E-mail: selina.marriott@clovis.edu
Call: 575.769.4017

CTLA Hours of Operation:
Mondays–Thursdays (8:00a.–5:00p., Mountain Time)
Fridays (8:00a.–3:30p., Mountain Time)
Interim Hours By Appointment Only