Alternative Licensure Program

Alternative Licensure Program

Clovis Community College Alternative Licensure Program is for individuals who have either a Bachelor’s, Master’s and/or Doctorate Degree and desire to start a career in teaching. Our program will provide rigorous and meaningful preparation for beginning teachers and address relevant entry level competencies as approved by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).

The Teacher Education Department Alternative Teacher Licensure Program's Core Values are based on the professional attitudes, values, beliefs, and positive behaviors that support student learning and development, and result in positive interactions and relationships with students, families, colleagues, and communities.

We embed the four principles above in course work and field experiences to prepare teacher candidates who reflect the following professional dispositions through their actions:

Professional, Skilled, Introspective, and Knowledgeable

  • Demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge and a passion for discipline-specific lifelong learning
  • Make decisions informed by theory and research
  • Commit to ongoing inquiry reflecting ever-changing student needs
  • Value critical thinking, problem solving, and learning
  • Uphold and demonstrate high ethical, pedagogical, and leadership standards.

Collegial, Responsive, and Responsible

  • Collaborate with colleagues, other professional partners, families, and community members
  • Contribute actively in learning experiences
  • Respond constructively to meet field and course work obligations

Caring and Equitable

  • Recognize teaching as moral, ethical, and political work
  • Believe that every student can learn
  • Challenge prejudice and bias
  • Address social and emotional dimensions of teaching and learning
  • Cultivate reciprocal, respectful, and caring relationships
  • Ensure affirming, inclusive, and equitable treatment of all

Reflective Agents of Change

  • • Create a positive learning environment, encouraging innovation and experimentation while promoting social and emotional learning
  • Seek opposing views and constructive critique
  • Question beliefs and practices, including one’s own
  • Commit to ongoing inquiry and self-reflection
  • Commit to creating just, civil, and democratic learning spaces


Candidates will complete a professional disposition self-reflection and goal setting at the beginning, middle and end of the program.

CCC Alternative Licensure instructors will discuss the professional disposition self-reflection and goals with the candidate at the beginning, middle and end of the program.


The Alternative Licensure Program can be completed in four semesters. The Elementary, Early Childhood and Special Education concentrations consist of 21 hours, while the Secondary concentration consists of 18 hours.

Typical Program Sequence:

Most students complete the program within one or two years of beginning, depending on their individual schedules, family, and work obligations. Students may apply for an extension, if needed.



Early Childhood

Special Education

Semester I:

EDUC 1120

EDUC 2360

Semester II:

EDUC 2430

EDUC 2130

Semester III:

EDUC 2370

SPED 2330

Semester IV:

EDUC 2998

Semester I:

EDUC 1120

EDUC 2360

Semester II:

EDUC 2130

EDUC 2460

Semester III:

SPED 2370


Semester IV:

EDUC 2998

Semester I:

ECED 1110

EDUC 2360

Semester II:

EDUC 2430

ECED 1155

Semester III:

ECED 1125

ECED 2115

Semester IV:

EDUC 2998

Semester I:

SPED 2210

EDUC 2360

Semester II:

EDUC 2430

EDUC 2550

Semester III:

EDUC 2370

SPED 2258

Semester IV:

EDUC 2998

Elementary Course Sequence

   Download Recommended Course Sequencing PDF

Course #

Course Title



EDUC 1120

Introduction to Education


Fall 1

EDUC 2360

Curriculum and Assessment


Fall 1

EDUC 2430

Fundamentals of Reading


Spring 1

SPED 2130

Culture, Learning & Academic Achievement in a Diverse Society


Spring 1

EDUC 2370

Reading in the Content Area


Fall 2

EDUC 2330

The Effective Classroom


Fall 2

EDUC 2998

Supervised Field Experience

3/Field Experience

Spring 2


Secondary Course Sequence

   Download Recommended Course Sequencing PDF

Course #

Course Title




EDUC 1120

Introduction to Education


Fall 1

EDUC 2360

Curriculum and Assessment


Fall 1

EDUC 2460

Secondary Teaching Methods


Spring 1

SPED 2130

Culture, Learning & Academic Achievement in a Diverse Society


Spring 1

EDUC 2370

Reading in the Content Area


Fall 2

EDUC 2998

Supervised Field Experience

3/Field Experience

Spring 2


Early Childhood Course Sequence

   Download Recommended Course Sequencing PDF

Course #

Course Title




ECED 1110

Child Growth, Development and Learning


Fall 1

EDUC 2360

Curriculum and Assessment


Fall 1

EDUC 2430

Fundamentals of Reading


Spring 1

ECED 1155

Working with Challenging Behaviors


Spring 1

ECED 1125

Assessment of Children and Evaluation of Programs


Fall 2

ECED 2115

Introduction to Language, Literacy and Reading


Fall 2

EDUC 2998

Supervised Field Experience

3/Field Experience

Spring 2


Special Education Course Sequence

   Download Recommended Course Sequencing PDF

Course #

Course Title




SPED 2210

Education of the Exceptional Person


Fall 1

EDUC 2360

Curriculum and Assessment


Fall 1

EDUC 2430

Fundamentals of Reading


Spring 1

EDUC 2550

Evaluation and IEP


Spring 1

EDUC 2370

Reading in the Content Area


Fall 2

SPED 2258

Classroom Behavior and Management for SPED


Fall 2

EDUC 2998

Supervised Field Experience

3/Field Experience

Spring 2

New Mexico Alternative Teacher Licensure Requirements

  1.  Degree Requirements:
    • BA including 30* credit hours in a particular field that appertains to the licensure area sought, OR
    • MA including 12 graduate credit hours in a particular field that appertains to the licensure area sought, OR
    • • Ph.D. in a particular field that appertains to the licensure area sought

*Note: For candidates in the Early Childhood, Elementary or Special Education program, the thirty credits must include a minimum of 6-credit hours in each of the core subject areas (mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies) and 6 additional credit hours in any other areas, with a grade of C or higher.

Secondary Education licenses require 30 semester hours in a single content area (12 credits must be upper-level credits), with a grade of C or higher. All semester hours must be complete prior to application.

The New Mexico Public Education Department requires that you have at least a 2.75 GPA for previous coursework.

Candidate must pass a Criminal Background Check:

  • Testing Requirements for Licensure
    1. Teacher Licensure Assessment passing scores Core Academic Skills on Praxis in:
      1. Reading with minimum of 156
      2. Writing with minimum of 162
      3. Mathematics with minimum of 150
  • Professional Education Requirement:

Alternative Teacher Licensure Program credit hours are listed below:

Early Childhood (B-3) 21 credit hours
Elementary (K-8) 21 credit hours
Secondary (7-12) 18 credit hours
Special Ed. (K-12) 21 credit hours

*All programs include practicums and a supervised field experience

Supervised Field Experience (SFE) is the capstone of the Alternative Teacher Licensure Program. Candidates are assigned to a school and cooperating teacher. Candidates will gradually assume responsibility for the classroom culminating in two weeks of full teaching responsibilities. Explicit, specific requirements for the SFE will be provided by the SFE Coordinator.

To be eligible to enroll in Field Experience, students must have:

Supervised Field Experience students must complete a minimum of 180 contact hours in which they observe, work with small groups of students, develop and implement lesson plans, and take full responsibility for classroom instruction for a minimum of two weeks. Both the faculty of the Alternative Licensure Program (ALP) and the Cooperating Teacher/Administrator provide feedback throughout this field experience. Students are expected to progress in the development of the New Mexico Teacher Competencies such that they are at entry level by the end of the course.

There are two pathways to Supervised Field Experience:

Local On-Campus Field Experience

Students who need to be placed with a cooperating teacher and those who have taught for less than one year in the content area and grade level in which they are seeking licensure are eligible for on-campus field experience. Candidates will attend 8 professional seminars and are observed by ALP faculty at least 3 times and the cooperating teacher at least 2 times. New Mexico Teaching Competencies guide the observations, feedback, and assessment of SFE students.

Distance On-Campus Field Experience

Students who are not local to the Clovis area are eligible to complete their Field Experience where they live. They are required to participate in all activities as outlined in the SFE Handbook which is provided to them and must attend the professional seminars virtually. Students must arrange times for ALP faculty to observe virtually and/or in person at least 3 times. The school site cooperating teacher will also conduct two observations of the student and submit a report to the college supervisor. New Mexico Teaching Competencies guide the observations, feedback, and assessment of SFE students.

View PDF For more details.



Thank you for your interest in the Clovis Community College Alternative Licensure Program. Alternative Licensure is for individuals who have either a Bachelor’s, Master’s and/or Doctorate Degree and desire to start a career in teaching. Our program will provide rigorous and meaningful preparation for beginning teachers and address relevant entry level competencies as approved by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED).

Students interested in the Alternative Licensure Program must complete the application form.

ALP Program Application Deadlines

Fall: July 1

Spring: November 1

Summer: April 1

Overall, the Bureau of Labor projects employment in educational instruction to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations from 2022 to 2032.

The 2023 national annual median pay for teaching Education is:

  • $63,670 for Elementary School Teachers
  • $64,290 for Middle School teachers
  • $65,220 for High School teachers
  • $65,910 for Special Education teachers


Contact Info

For more information, please contact:

ALP Office
Room 403

Monica Turner
Division Chair

Kathy Martin
Academic Advisor

Cindy Martin
ALP Coordinator
