Higher Learning Commision


What is Accreditation?

Welcome to the Clovis Community College website, dedicated to the reaffirmation of accreditation by the college's accrediting body -- the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Accreditation is a review process used in higher education to scrutinize colleges, universities and educational programs for quality assurance and institutional improvement. 

This website will document related work and communicate with the campus and community about this important endeavor. Please visit frequently to stay engaged and informed.

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) in an independent corporation founded in 1895 as one of the six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. HLC accredits degree-granting, post-secondary educational institutions in the 19 states of the North Central region, including Arizona.

The Commission is governed by a Board of Trustees, elected by the membership and administered by a president selected by and accountable to that Board. The charge to the president is to ensure that through its structure and personnel, the Commission delivers useful and cost-effective services.

Actions on affiliated institutions, including receiving or reaffirming accreditation, are taken by decision-making bodies comprised of institutional representatives and public members.

To serve the common good, HLC creates and maintains relationships with the federal government and other organizations with communities dependent on the quality of higher learning received in accredited colleges and universities. The federal government has a distinct interest in the role of accreditation in assuring quality in higher education for the students who benefit from federal financial aid programs. As a U.S. Department of Education (USDE) gatekeeper agency, HLC agrees to fulfill specific federally defined responsibilities within the accreditation process.

The Glossary of HLC Terminology offers definitions for words and phrases that are most commonly used in HLC’s policy, procedures and communications.

Accreditation scrutinizes institutions for quality assurance and institutional improvement. The US Department of Education (USDE) relies on this process to ensure federal student aid funds are being used toward quality courses and programs. Only those institutions that are accredited by a USDE-recognized accrediting organization are eligible to receive federal financial assistance for its students.

Along with enabling students to receive federal financial assistance for their education, accreditation also:

  • Allows for credits earned at Clovis Community College to be transferred to other higher education institutions.
  • Confirms the rigor and quality of Clovis Community College courses to ensure that students are receiving a quality education.

Assurance Review: The assurance review process requires the college provide evidence and write an Assurance Argument that addresses the HLC’s criteria for accreditation. This narrative is supported by the Evidence File. Two assurance reviews will take place in the 10-year cycle; one in Year 4 and one in Year 10. The Year 4 review is completed electronically through the Assurance System and does not require a visit. The Year 10 review includes a campus visit.

Quality Initiative: Between Years 5 and 9 of the 10-year cycle, the institution proposes and completes a Quality Initiative as an institutional improvement project.

  • Criterion Introduction
  • An articulation of how each Core Component within the Criterion is met, including a statement of future plans
  • A statement regarding any additional ways in which the institution fulfills the Criterion
  • Links to materials stored in the institution’s Evidence File

The Evidence File is an electronic filing cabinet where all documents that support statements made in the Assurance Argument are maintained. Each document must be linked directly to the Assurance Argument. When the Assurance Argument and Evidence File are submitted for review, peer reviewers will be able to access the argument as well as supporting evidence in order to provide feedback.

Executive Champion
Dr. Jonathan Fuentes, President
Accreditation Reaffirmation Administrative Liaisons
  • Dr. Jonathan Fuentes, President
  • Dr. Robin Kuykendall, Executive Vice President and ALO
  • Heather Lovato, Chief Financial Officer
  • Bob Dart, Vice President of Information Technology and Operations
2021 Criteria Champions:
HLC Criterion 1 Team
  • April Chavez, FA
  • Patricia Becks, SBDC
  • Janett Johnson, DC—English, History, Languages
  • Karen Burns, EMS
  • Jennifer Bussey, AA
  • Angel Anaya, Phase IV AA
  • Brandi Varnado, PTA
  • Carolyn Lindsey, Art Faculty
  • Ricky Fuentes, IT
HLC Criterion 2 Team
  • Kolby Rains, IA
  • Trina Walley, TRiO
  • Jennifer Duke, AA
  • April Chavez, FA
  • Laura Kaufman, Nuring Faculty
  • Hannah Tucker, Nursing Faculty
  • Kelsi Peabody, Nursing Faculty
  • Simon Chavez, COMM Faculty
  • Melissa Ham, RADT
  • Dominique Chairez, SBDC
  • Allen Potthoff, Business and Non-credit
HLC Criterion 3 Team
  • Corey Issacs, Purchasing
  • Rachel Page, IT
  • Zoe Rodriguez, IT
  • Nancy Meadows, Title V
  • Melissa Reed, Division Chair of Occupational Technology
  • Rodney Backoff, IT
  • Erin Tomas, Faculty Grant
  • Curtis Chapman, Library
  • Brandon Finney, Math Faculty
  • Winona Johnson, Title V Student Retention Coordinator/Starfish
  • Chance web, Title V
  • Elena Soto, Nursing Fcaulty
  • Andrea Stephens, Nursing Faculty
HLC Criterion 4 Team
  • Gregory Rapp, English Faculty
  • Lauren Jerige, Nursing Faculty
  • Camille Jackson, Nursing Faculty
  • Vicki Bridinger-Leon, History Faculty/Grant
  • Don Scroggiins, division Cahir of Math and Science
  • Teresa Guillen, Spanish Faculty
  • Laura white, Director of Title V
  • Emily Glikas, Director of Center of Student Succes
HLC Criterion 5 Team
  • Gregory Rapp, English Faculty
  • Kolby Rains, IA
  • Trina Walley, TRiO
  • Corey Issacs, Purchasing
  • April Chavez, FA
  • Sandra Taylor-Sawyer, SBDC
  • April Chavez, FA
  • Rodney Backoff,IT
  • Curtis Chapman, Library
  • Brad Heath, Division Chair Health and Physical Education
Contact Info

For more information about accrediation, please contact:

Dr. Robin Kuykendall
Accreditation Liasion Officer (ALO)