
Many people are drawn by the desire to make a difference in a career that is about care giving and compassion. Pursuing work that is deeply inspiring and serves the greater good is the core of a nurse's practice. Being a nurse stimulates the mind as well as the heart, requiring critical thinking rooted in evidence based practice.


Topics Covered:

  • Coursework in nursing concepts, nursing practice, pharmacology, intravenous therapy, assessment, and professional nursing.
  • Hands-on experience through clinical rotations in diverse healthcare environments—including geriatric, adult, and pediatric nursing, obstetrics-gynecology, public health, home health/hospice, surgical services, psychiatric, emergency medicine, and intensive care.

Associate of Applied Science in Nursing


   Download Recommended Course Sequencing PDF


First Semester (Fall I):

  • BIOL 2210C Human A&P I Lec/Lab (4 Credits)
  • BIOL 2310C Microbiology Lec/Lab (4 Credits)
  • ENGL 1110 English Composition I (3 Credits)
  • PSYC 1110 Intro Psychology (3 Credits)
  • PSYC 2120 Human Growth & Development (3 Credits)



Second Semester (Spring I)

  • BIOL 2225C Human A& P II Lec/Lab (4 Credits)
  • ENGL 1120 Composition II (3 Credits)
  • NMNC 1110 Intro to Nursing Concepts (3 Credits)
  • NMNC 1135 Principles of Nursing Practice (4 Credits)



Third Semester (Fall II): 

  • NMNC 1210 Health & Illness Concepts I (3 Credits)
  • NMN1220 Health Care Participant (3 Credits)
  • NMNC 1230 Pharmacology (3 Credits)
  • NMNC 1235 Assess & Health Promo (4 Credits)
  • NSG 128 Pathophysiology (4 Credits)



Fourth Semester (Spring II): 

  • NMNC 2310 Health & Illness Concepts II (3 Credits)
  • NMNC 2320 Professional Nursing Concepts I (3 Credits)
  • NMNC 2335 Care of Patients with Chronic Conditions (4 Credits)



Fifth Semester (Fall III): 

  • NMNC 2410 Health and Illness Concepts III (4 󠆌Credits)
  • NMNC 2435 Clinical Intensive I (4 󠆌Credits)
  • NMNC 2445 ADN Capstone (4 Credits)



 Total Credits Required: 70 

Nursing students are required to complete some of their prerequisites prior to acceptance into the program.

Level 1: Certificate of Completion in Practical Nursing

  • Semester 1 (14 credits)
  • Semester 2 (17 credits)

Level 2: Associate of Applied Science in Nursing

  • Semester 3 (10 credits)
  • Semester 4 (12 credits)

For more information on specific courses, please see the course catalog.

  1. Students interested in CCC's Nursing program must first apply for admission to CCC through the Admissions and Records office.
  2. Prospective nursing students must complete 17 credit hours of prerequisite course work before being considered for the program. Please see an Academic Advisor for more information.
  3. Download and complete the CCC Nursing Program Application to be returned to Admissions and Records. NOTE: The deadline for entry during a Fall term is July 1 of that academic year. The deadline for entry during a Spring term is November 1 of the preceding year.
  4. Students will be notified of their acceptance status in either the first week of August (Fall cohort) or the third week in December (Spring cohort).
  • The nursing field’s promising outlook encourages many students to continue their education and advance into specialized areas as they develop their practice. The opportunities for both professional and personal growth in nursing are immense.

Other Information:

Note: Clovis Community College offers a Certificate of Achievement in Nursing Assistant upon completion of NA 101 (6 credit hours). This course is not a requirement for gaining admission to the Nursing Program at CCC. Please see the Course Catalog for more information.

Clovis Community College ADN-Nursing Student Achievement Data





NCLEX-RN 1st Time Test- Taker for


100% 100%

On-time Completion Rate


Pending Pending

Students Employment Rate


Pending 94.11%


The United States Department of Education requires that every institution of higher education obtain authorization from each state in which it offers distance education opportunities for programs requiring licensure. 

Clovis Community College’s professional licensure programs are designed to prepare students for a license in the state of New Mexico. Students who wish to practice in a state other than New Mexico may or may not have additional requirements to complete prior to applying for a license. 

The Associate’s Degree in Nursing meets the standards for and has been approved by the New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium (NMNEC). 

The Associate Degree of Nursing Program at Clovis Community College is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326, (404) 975-5000. The nursing program has full continuing accreditation from ACEN.CCC’s program leads to a Registered Nurse (RN) license in the state of New Mexico. Students who wish to practice in a state other than New Mexico may or may not have additional requirements to complete prior to applying for the RN license.


Contact Info

For more information about the Nursing program at CCC in Clovis, New Mexico, please contact:

Elena Soto
Elena Soto
Program Director

Jennifer Bussey

Academic Advisor


