
Chalkboard with math problems

Tutoring Center

Stuck and need homework help? Our dedicated team of tutors is available during select hours to help you with a wide variety of subjects. The Tutoring Center also offers online tutoring through TutorMe, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, online from any computer!

Red pencil editing spelling on a paper

Writing Center

The Writing Center, located next door to the Dr. W. D. Dabbs Library, is a resource for students to get help in writing essays and papers. Our staff will assist you with proper APA and MLA formatting, citations, grammar, and more!

Tutoring and Writing Centers

Contact Info

For questions or information, please call or email:

Academic Tutoring and Coach Manager
Santana Sena
Room 415A

Visit us in either of these locations:

Tutoring Center: Room 415A
Call: 575.769.4119

  • Monday-Thursday 9am-8pm
  • Friday 9am-4:30pm. 
Writing Center: Room 415A

Call: 575.769.4119

  • Monday - Thursday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
