While participating in Academic Coaching, you will engage with an Academic Coach to further develop skills in goal setting, time management and organization, learning strategies, study skills, building your network of resources, stress management/self-care, test anxiety, and resiliency. Here you will find all of the resources to build the skills necessary to adjust and navigate college life at CCC.

Icon Class Name Skill Area Resources
fa-crosshairs Setting Smart Goals
fa-clock-o Time Management & Organization
fa-tachometer Growth Mindset & Developing Resiliency
fa-list-ul Test Anxiety
fa-puzzle-piece Learning Strategies & Styles
fa-pencil Study Skills
fa-university Campus Resources & Navigating Office Hours
fa-user Selfcare & Stress Management
Academic Coaching

Contact Info

For more information, please contact:

Santana Sena

Room 415A
