Grant Activities

Title V grant activities are funded to transform HIspanic serving institutions into responsive educational environments which in turn, assist students in achieving their academic goals.  The grant has several activities tied to improvements in the supporting technology infrastructure to support many of the new engaging instructional strategies for face-to-face and online instruction.  Through collaboration and partnerships across many departments, Title V provides the opportunity to create a new vision of serving students through retention and completion.

Course Redesign

The Course Redesign activity focuses on improving student learning through the redesign of a course or teaching practice. The grant supports instructors through the redesign process with assistance in acquiring technology, access to training, conferences, or workshops, and instructional design principles.

The Online Course Redesign activity focuses on improving the quality of online course design and online components. Instructors implement Quality Matters standards in their course redesign, pilot their redesigned course and then participate in an institutional peer review process. 

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The F2F Course Redesign activity supports faculty with the opportunity to include technology or adapt proven innovations within your field to help engage students and increase learning. Professional development and collaboration with the Faculty Development Center is provided for successful implementation of innovative instructional or technology-integrated activities. 

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Developmental Education

The Developmental Education Redesign component of the Title V grant focuses on developing and piloting accelerated and adaptive developmental curriculum to assist students in progressing to college-level work and graduation.

Strategies include pairing students to tutor one another, engaging students with clickers, and using brain-based strategies to increase student motivation for persistence and retention.  

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Faculty Development Center

Through Title V funding, CCC Faculty Development Center (FDC) has received several technological upgrades in computer hardware and software. Faculty can receive assistance from the center’s Instructional Technologists in designing online courses and integrating technology in the classroom.

Additionally, FDC will host workshops and presentations to provide training in best practices and strategies in using technology in the classroom (online and face-to-face), especially in relation to teaching and learning processes. 

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Academic Technology Projects

The Information Technology Virtualization project is a plan to change the distributed physical server infrastructure to:

  • Reduce overall IT costs and risks
  • Improve service reliability and sustainability
  • Simplify maintenance (installing, patching, administering, and supporting application servers)
  • Increase machine usage and efficiency

Information Technology will begin migrating data to virtual servers, contributing to the overall improvement of technology resources available to the college community.

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Retention and Early Alert Systems

Clovis Community College is committed to increasing student persistence, retention, and completion. The college’s retention committee has evaluated several retention systems which can systematically track and monitor student progress to ultimately raise student academic achievement. The new system will enable students, faculty, and the campus community to engage more effectively.  Information Technology is in the process of finding the best solution to meet the committee's selection criteria so that implementation can begin. 

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Contact Info

Laura White  

Activity Coordinator
Vicki Bridinger-De Leon

Data Integration Technologist 
Gabriel Robertson 

Instructional Technologist
Selina Marriott

Student Resource Coordinator 
Chance Webb

Student Retention Coordinator
Laura Cueto

English/Academic Literacy Instructor
Erin Thomas

Administrative Assistant
Amanda Johnston

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