Student Appeals

Student Appeals

      An appeals process for students at Clovis Community College is available to afford students an opportunity to express their position in matters that affect their welfare during their enrollment. Students have a right to appeal a violation of college policies or request exceptions to policies because of unusual or special circumstances. Should the need arise, the following appeals exist to benefit students: Grade Appeals, Suspension Appeals, General Academic Appeals, and other appeals for violations of conduct or policy. In all cases, final appeals must be made in writing to the Admissions and Standards Committee.

Academic Policy Appeal

  • Actions that adversely affect students regarding general academic policies such as status of enrollment, credit hours earned, graduation requirements, and grade point averages may be appealed in writing to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar. If the student does not agree with the decision of the Director of Admissions and Recruiting/Registrar, the student may submit a written appeal to the Admissions and Standards Committee. Decisions of the Admissions and Standards Committee are final.

Grade Appeal Process

  • Students wishing to appeal a final course grade must first meet with the faculty member involved within 60 days from the time the original grade was submitted to the Admissions and Records Office.
  • If the matter is not resolved, the student may refer the issue to the appropriate Division Chair, who will mediate the appeal.
  • If the matter is still not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may submit in writing the reasons for the appeal to the Executive Vice President. The Executive Vice President will meet with those involved to review the circumstances leading to the appeal. 
  • If not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the final recourse is to submit a written appeal to the Admissions and Standards Committee. The written appeal may be submitted to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar in the Admissions and Records Office.
  • The decision of the committee will be submitted in writing to the student. The decision of the committee is final and not subject to appeal.
  • If a grade change is approved as a result of this process, the change of grade will be submitted to the Admissions and Records Office where the appropriate change will be made to the student’s academic record.

Academic Suspension Appeal Process

  • A student who wants to apply for readmission to CCC and wishes to appeal an academic suspension status at CCC must submit a written request to the Admissions and Standards Committee explaining any unusual circumstances that would justify readmission. Such requests must be submitted to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar. The Director will present the written request to the Admissions and Standards Committee. Students who have fulfilled the requirements of their suspension do not have to appeal for readmission but must contact an Academic Advisor.
  • Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Admissions and Standards Committee will review the request and determine what action to take. The Admissions and Standards Committee will send written notification of the decision to the student. All appeals must be submitted to the Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar by the Tuesday before the semester begins. The decision of the committee is final and not subject to appeal.

Financial Aid Appeal Process

  • Students have the right to appeal the denial of financial aid. Such circumstances that may be appealed include death of a relative, injury or illness of the student or family member, or other mitigating circumstances. Students must provide detailed information regarding why the student failed to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and what has changed in the student’s situation that would allow the student to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress at the next evaluation. Supporting documentation regarding the mitigating reasons must accompany the appeal. The Director (for 150 percent maximum time frame) and the Financial Aid Appeals Committee (for other Satisfactory Academic Progress concerns) review the appeal letters on a case-by-case basis to determine if the student’s circumstances warrant allowing the student to continue receiving aid. Decisions of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee are final.
  • Students placed on good status with an approved academic plan (G-Plan) remain eligible for Title IV aid as long as they continue to meet the conditions of that plan. Students regain eligibility once their cumulative GPA is 2.00 or greater and their cumulative incremental status is 67% or greater.

Clinical Practice Decisions

  • Clinical practice decisions require advanced education in the medical field. As a result, unsafe practice as determined by the Allied Health departments cannot be reversed by the Admissions and Standards appeals process. An unsafe practice determination will be made by the majority vote of the Allied Health faculty which may then be appealed through the Allied Health Division Chair. If not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the final recourse is to submit a written appeal to the Executive Vice President.

Other appeals

  • Other appeals not included in the definitions previously described should be presented in writing to the Executive Vice President, who will determine the appropriate office, supervisor, or committee to hear the matter.


Last updated: 8/19/24
